Suttyo and Friends

This is the Suttyo and Friends official blogger site. Suttyo is my comic character. He and his friends live in a flat in Budapest. They have funny adventures.
The first Sutyo comic book will be a Superhero parody. Suttyo’s must inhibit a crazy man from destroying the whole world. I’ve become acquainted with 3D graphic and I really do love it!

Who is Suttyo?

I made the Suttyo comics in the middle school. These were traditional drawn comics. There was 10 booklets with a lot of stories in them, including parodies of movies as Terminator 2, Alien 2 and Robocop.

 How old is Suttyo?

I made the first Suttyo in the middle school in 1993. After the middle school I wrote a lot of scripts, including this sci-fi parody. I think these stories are very funny and I decided to make comic books from these scripts and I share all of these stories with all the world.

How long it takes?

When Suttyo will be done? I never made comic book like this. I finished some pages and some characters, I can calculate a deadline from these pages. I think three 3D artists can finish it in 3 months from the start.


These are few wallpapers from the first Suttyo comic book. 

Suttyóék mint a S.E.T.I. hősök
A S.E.T.I. hősök és a padló szörny csápjai
Vivi harcol a padló szörny csápjaival

How many pages is this comic?

This story is in two comic books. The first is 24 pages the second is 36 pages. The full story is 60 pages.

What language is Suttyo?

 I will make it in two languages: English and Hungarian, of course you will get the English version

Other Suttyo themed wallpapers:

Suttyóéknál elkészült a kártyavár

Suttyó a barátaival áll kéz a kézben

What is the age rating?

There is no any blood, violence, swearword and there is no explicit sexual activity in this comic book. There is a little nudity in some Suttyo story. This story contains some nudity. So this Comic's age rating is 17+.

What's next?

After I make this comic book, I will continue the making Suttyo comics. I have few dozen story of Suttyo. These stories similar like the Big Bang Theory, Friends and other sitcoms. So, I will choose from these stories.
I have some other style stories, too:
  • an X-Files parody
  • parody based on Star Wars universe
  • a cosplay story
  • Christmas story (of course)
  • and a long long Pirates story in a fantasy world

Suttyó és barátai facebook oldal

Official Suttyo and Friends webpage:

Suttyo and Friends' website